What is the difference between entrances and node views?
Last Update 2 bulan yang lalu
What we call nodes in FunnelFlux are all the elements you place in your funnel diagram.
Consider the following funnel as an example:
It has 3 nodes:
The traffic node
A lander node
An offer node
If only one single visitor traverses this entire funnel until he reaches the offer, you will see the following in your stats:
1 entrance
3 node views
If you check the drilldown reports, and if your groupings do not contain any node (like lander, offer, node IDs, node names etc) then all the nodes are aggregated into one line, which makes the number of node views greater than the number of entrances.
Your selected groupings also affect the CTR shown by FunnelFlux.
Let's imagine another funnel to illustrate this point: a funnel with 5 nodes and a single visitor traversing all these nodes:
Traffic > Lander 1 >> Lander 2 > Lander 3 > Offer
If you check your drilldowns without any node grouping, you will see:
Entrances: 1
Node views: 5
Clicks: 3
CTR: 3/5 = 60%
Without node grouping, you're getting an average CTR of ALL your nodes represented in that report row. Usually, when you want to know what your CTR is, you want to know what it is on a per lander basis. In that case, you add the 'Lander' grouping to your drilldown reports.
With the funnel above, you would then see 3 rows instead of 1, like this:
Lander Sequence Step 1: 1 node view / 1 click / ctr = 100%
Lander Sequence Step 2: 1 node view / 1 click / ctr = 100%
Lander Sequence Step 3: 1 node view / 1 click / ctr = 100%
So, you need to ensure you pick a grouping that takes into account the nature of your funnel, since lander > lander flow as an example is possible in FunnelFlux, but not typical in other trackers.