Creating a lead capture + freebie + autoresponder campaign
Last Update 2 bulan yang lalu
In this tutorial, we will build a campaign to achieve the following goals:
Get email leads in exchange for a gift
Send our leads to an affiliate offer after they give us their email address
Send them promotional emails in the backend
We will send traffic to the optin page from different traffic sources.
We will be able to find out which traffic source, and which placements from that traffic source are the most profitable ones.
We will also find which ones are not profitable so we can stop advertising on them and finally we will also find out what is our lifetime lead value broken down by traffic source.
Here is how our campaign looks like:
The first "Optin Funnel" is where we have our lead capture and, at its simplest shape, looks like this:
After someone optins, he is being redirected immediately to the affiliate offer.
It is worth mentioning that:
This optin page is created as an offer and not as a lander - because we want to track each email lead as a conversion, and conceptually ONLY offers convert. Our optin offer's conversions have a $0 payout, but they are still considered conversions, because we are earning leads.
In the diagram, the connection from our optin node to the affiliate offer node says "On Action 1 Conversion" - it means that, without placing any script anywhere, FunnelFlux will know that when someone is being redirected from the optin node to the affiliate offer node, he has to be recorded as a converted hit. To enable this "conversion option", you simply double click the "action 1" label to change its option, as shown in the animation below:
After you have setup this funnel, right click the action 1 label to get the action's URL, and use that URL as the redirect URL in your autoresponder optin form, so that when someone optins, he is being redirected through this action's URL.
Visitors coming to your optin form
If someone optins, then he is redirected to the affiliate offer
In our case, we would like to have an extra step between the optin and the redirection to the offer.
We want to inform the subscriber that his freebie is being sent to his email box and that, in the meantime, we will show him a special offer.
This step is optional, but highly recommended as it will help your subscriber understand what is happening and why he is not getting immediate access to what you have promised on the optin form.
There are 2 ways to do this.
By placing a lander between the optin and the offer, with a button that must be clicked to go through to the offer
Or by having a simple screen explaining what is happening now, with an automatic redirect to the offer
In this tutorial we are going to use the second option, the automatic redirect.
For this, you will add a "Javascript Code" node to your funnel:
Place it between the optin and affiliate offer nodes, and name it "Loading Screen"
Double click that JS node to open the code editor and copy-paste the following lines:
You can also edit the duration, in milliseconds, that this message will remain visible. For a duration of 1 second (1000 milliseconds), it will look like this:
Here is how that loading screen looks like (with an animated bar):
And here is an animated walkthrough of that first funnel:
2. The "Freebie Report" Funnel
When a new lead subscribes, we send him, by email, a link to download a PDF report.
To achieve this, we need 3 things:
The PDF file itself
A funnel to send the lead to
A traffic source setup in FunnelFlux to categorize that traffic.
Let's start with the traffic source and let's name it "My Channels".
This traffic source can be used for all the traffic that comes from one of your own properties, like your blogs, your FB pages, your email lists etc...
There are several ways to setup this traffic source, I show you below the way I have setup mine (the important part being the tracking fields):
I am using 3 tracking fields in this traffic source:
type (examples: email, blog, fbpage)
source (examples: prospect-list,, my-fb-fans)
spot (examples: bodylink, signaturelink, post-2016-12-05)
Now let's have a look the content of the demo PDF report - I kept it very short just to show how to set it up.
This report has 2 outgoing links. These 2 links are "action links" taken from the funnel below:
Let's put the pieces together in plain English:
The tracking tokens used for this are:
type: email
source: paleo-list
spot: welcome-message
The URL used in the "demo: freebie pdf" lander in the funnel above is the URL of the PDF file itself, so when someone enters the funnel, his browser prompts him to download the report.
The URLS from the 2 actions going out from that lander are used in the PDF report, as "link 1" and "link 2", as shown in the screenshot above the funnel.
3. The "Autoresponder" Funnel
This funnel is extremely simple. It contains all the offers that will be promoted during the email sequence, without having to connect any node together.
When we want to promote one of these offers, we simply right click it in the funnel diagram and select "Send Traffic Here".
We use the traffic source "My Channels" and fill the tracking fields like:
type: email
source: paleo-list
spot: day-1
Now that we have seen all the different elements composing that campaign, let's send some (fake) traffic to it, to see how to analyze the stats.
-- This tutorial is currently in progress -- an update will eventually follow --