Configuring a traffic source
Last Update 2 maanden geleden

Name - we’ll let you handle this one
Cost type - here you define how your traffic source bills you. Usually it will be cost per entrance (CPE), i.e. cost per each person entering FunnelFlux - a clicker. The other option, CPA, is rare and occurs for traffic sources that bill you only when your traffic converts. We do not recommend putting a default cost here.
Tracking fields - a lot of tracking is based on passing data in querystrings e.g. Here we are configuring the default structure we want to use for a specific traffic source.
What you do here is up to you and should be based on what information you would like to pass from your traffic source to FunnelFlux, and likely what dynamic parameters (macros, tokens, etc.) you are able to use for that source. For those you will need to consult your traffic source documentation.
For sources which have no dynamic tokens, we recommend setting up fields like creative, campaign, and so on, then putting "REPLACE" in each of the second boxes -- this will make your FunnelFlux URLs for this traffic source have obvious REPLACE placeholders that remind you to change them manually later.
Fire conversions back to the traffic source - this area will depend on your traffic source and whether it supports conversion tracking, and whether you would like to turn this on. The most common type of conversion tracking with advertising platforms is postback URL tracking, where you need to pass unique click IDs from your traffic source to your tracker and later send these back to acknowledge a conversion happening.
Postback type - In the case of using a postback, you will likely need to pass a unique tracking ID from your traffic source to FunnelFlux, then automate passing of this stored value back to the traffic source. For example, if the traffic source uses the unique token %clickid%, you may configure the traffic source with this field: