Configuring an offer


Last Update 2 tháng trước

Offers in FunnelFlux are pages that get added to your funnels as "offer nodes", and its these types of nodes that can convert and carry revenue.
They are not necessarily a final destination in your funnel as, if you control the offer, you can still send people elsewhere afterward. However in most cases an offer will belong to some third-party and once you send visitors there, they won’t come back to your funnel path.
Below is an example offer configuration, I will go through each part in turn:
  • Name - obvious, name your offer

  • Category - this is purely for sorting offers and has no other impact. We suggest categorising by vertical or offer type

Offer URL
  • Offer URL - here you will use your tracking link for the offer, usually from an affiliate network, and will configure the passing of parameters. Here you can see I am passing data under s1, s2 and s5. FunnelFlux has various tokens you can access from the URL tokens field and you can pass custom data from the traffic source using your field names, as configured in your traffic source area

  • Here I am passing {funnel-id} so that on the offer side I know which funnel sent the user to this offer (I might have many funnels in play). I could also send {trafficsource-id} or {campaign-id}. Note that you cannot send a “Lander ID” because unlike other trackers where you either direct link or go via a lander, FunnelFlux has no such requirement -- your pathway to an offer could be as simple or complex as you want and go through a dozen nodes.

  • I want to pass some data from the traffic source under s2. Here I do this using {trackingfield-fieldname}, where fieldname is the name I put in the left-hand side box in the traffic source config, e.g. creative, pubid, adid, etc.

  • Lastly, as indicated by the gray boxes lower down in the config, I want to pass FunnelFlux’s unique tracking ID token, {hit-id}, under the s5 parameter.

URL Tokens
  • URL tokens is a reference dropdown showing all the tokens FunnelFlux has available. Select one and it will inject it directly into the URL box

  • Custom Fields is an advanced function that most will not need (you can ignore this). What does it do? Inside you can put a list of data on separate lines. Then you can use the {customfield-random} token and FunnelFlux will randomly select a line to insert into the URL. This is useful if you want to randomise some data passing, for whatever reason.

  • Offer source - this will change the subid/postback URL information shown below, which come from your offer source config area. This is for convenience to remind you what parameter you should pass {hit-id} under, and the postback URL should you need it.

Redirect Type
  • This lets you change the way FunnelFlux sends visitors to the offer:

  • 301 Moved Permanently - this is the default and recommended mode and is the fastest. Not sure what to use? Use this.

  • 307 Temporary Redirect - this is functionally the same as 301, just as fast, the primary difference being it tells servers requesting the link that the destination has “temporarily changed” rather than being permanent. This can affect SEO and search engine indexing. Think of it as a normal 301 mode but where it tells search engines not to index the end content as its likely to change.

  • Ultimate Meta Refresh - this is a fast meta refresh functionality and is used for blanking referrer information should you not want to pass it. It is not a simple double meta refresh and provides strong referrer blanking

  • Fluxify - this is an advanced feature that won’t be covered in detail here. It involves the FunnelFlux tracker proxying and rewriting the destination URL, rather than just redirecting to it.

That’s it!
In all situations, if unsure, make sure you test your links and check the data being logged in your affiliate network or offer source control panel. If in doubt, ask our support.

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