Creating your first campaign & funnel


Last Update 2 maanden geleden

Now that you have configured traffic/offer sources and a lander and offer, its time to build an actual funnel.
Head over to campaigns and create a campaign. Note that “campaign” is just a container for funnels, the campaign itself has no specific configuration. So, pick an existing campaign name or create a new one.
Then, within a campaign you can then enter a funnel name and hit create (or create and edit to skip the next step).
Once created, clicking the campaign or funnel name will open quickstat reporting. To edit, click the small edit icon that appears when hovering over the row, which will take you to the funnel builder.
Funnel Settings
The funnel settings have two simple components, name and default cost per entrance (i.e. visitor), as well as advanced settings. I will run through all of these below:
Basic Settings
  • Funnel name - will leave you to dream up something fancy

  • Default cost per entrance - this will override the default cost per visitor for this specific funnel. This overrides any default set for a traffic source but is in turn superseded by any cost parameters in an incoming URL. The priority order for default cost per entrance is URL > Traffic source specific in Funnel > Funnel default > Traffic source config

Creating your Funnel
All funnels start with a traffic source node. This cannot be removed and is the default node any traffic will go to if no node is specified.
Start by adding a rotator node. To add any time of node, right-click and choose from the menu.
Note that in the funnel builder you can interact with nodes and objects by right clicking as well as double clicking.
Once a rotator is added, right click and choose lander > pick your lander. Note that you can select multiple landers in one dialog to add many at once.
To make connections, click and drag between the yellow dots on a node to the destination node. You can click and drag to move any nodes inside the interface.
Note how when you connect multiple nodes to a rotator, it will split the percentage values on the routes:
You can alter these percentages by double clicking the value and moving the slider.
Once you have the above setup, add an offer. If you want to rotate between multiple offers or any type of node, simply add a rotator node between things:
Note with lander and offer nodes you can double click them to turn on parameter accumulation, and can right click them to either edit the lander/offer, or to “send traffic here”, which will let you generate a unique URL for sending traffic specifically to that node in the funnel.
This can be very useful for varying the inbound path of different types of traffic, or for example if you want to test your funnel but have a condition at the start that will block you, you can just test from a later node to skip the filtering.
Right click on the traffic node and select “send traffic here” (you may need to save your funnel first!)
Here the campaign, funnel and node options are locked.
If you were to generate from the System Links section you would be able to select these, allowing you to generate a link for any node in any funnel.
Select a traffic source and a link will be generated. A QR code generator is provided to make it easy to test your link on a mobile device.
And that’s it! Use this link in your traffic source and be sure to test test test!
Always test your tracking.
Funnel's Advanced Settings
If you are just starting out you won't need to modify these settings, but we'll detail them here anyway.
Custom tokens
Here you can set custom parameters that can be used in condition nodes, and advanced JS/PHP nodes in your funnel.
An example use would be having a global condition that is shared across many funnels, such as “Country & OS Are Allowed”.
Rather than having to make a separate (non-global) condition for each funnel to input Country = US and OS = Windows, Country = Canada and OS = Android and so on, you could use one global condition.
To do so, you could put the following in the custom tokens box:
Then, in your condition, instead of being specific you could filter for Country = [[allowed-geo]] and Operating System = [[allowed-os]]
The condition can then be used globally and you can define these allowed values in the custom tokens box per funnel.
Accumulate parameters
These are funnel-level additional query string parameters you can configure that are appended to the URL of offers/landers.
For any offer or lander, double-click it and enable parameter accumulation:
Now, any query string data passed from the traffic source will be added to the page URL, along with anything placed in the accumulate parameters box.
Traffic source cost overrides for the funnel
This lets you override the default cost per entrance for specific traffic source types entering the funnel.
This is useful if you have a default cost per entrance set on the funnel or traffic sources in general, are not passing cost in the URL (this will override these settings…), and want to set more specific defaults for this funnel based on known traffic costs.
Traffic source tracking overrides
Like with costs, this lets you override the default setting for a traffic source with regards to conversion tracking.
This is useful if you have some specific javascript you would like to embed just for this campaign (if using the FunnelFlux iFrame with your offer source), or perhaps a postback URL override if you are using a different traffic source account than your default.
As an additional exercise, let’s take a look at the link anatomy:
This can be broken down into a few parts:
Your tracker domain/root
Your funnel-specific parameters
And parameters based on your traffic source and its configuration (with placeholder tokens)
In the funnel specific parameters, flux_fts  is an important value that defines the funnel (f) and traffic source (ts) of the link.
Note there is no node ID present because we are using the default, the traffic node.
If you were to generate a link for another node e.g. a rotator, it would have an additional node ID value present:
Note the flux_fn  parameter above, meaning “funnel node”
Understanding the structure of FunnelFlux tracking links is useful for future endeavors where you might try to do more advanced manipulations of traffic -- always good to know how your systems work!

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