How to best get support from the FunnelFlux team


Last Update il y a 2 mois

We understand that FunnelFlux is quite a complex piece of software to master and that self-hosted applications can be a challenge without experienced tech admins on-hand to solve issues.
We provide application support and limited server/systems admin support to help you get things running.
To make your life easier and ours we have specific processes that help us get the information and access we need to resolve issues.
Please carefully review the following sections:
How to contact support
There are multiple places you can reach out to us. Right here in help articles for example! (Intercom icon in bottom right).
In general, the best way to contact us is through this widget that is directly accessible via the support chat icon in your FunnelFlux navigation bar:
By talking to us through this, you allow us to see your user details and that helps us immensely with better understanding your account/membership with us, licenses, whether you are the admin or a secondary user of the account, the installed FunnelFlux version and so on.
You can likewise contact us by logging in to our membership system here.
In the help documents, we will also be able to recognise you if you have logged in to your tracker and still have cookies active for the help widget (you generally will).
You can also email us directly at [email protected].
Conversations you have through email will also appear in the widget in your tracker so you will never lose track of them.
Note that the help system integration inside the tracker is only available from FunnelFlux version 1.6x onward.
What details to give us for general questions
If you have general questions about the software, here are some tips on what information to give us to help us give the best response:
  1. If you are trying to figure out how to do something or use some feature, let us know what your goal is. It's much easier to answer if we know what you're trying to achieve or expect from a feature

  2. If you want us to be able to check your funnels, campaigns and various config directly, head over to the User Management section and enable the [email protected] user. This lets us log in with limited access to view your configurations.

  3. If you are having issues with a specific funnel, traffic source, etc., let us know it's name, ID or URL of the item in question. It can be quite hard to find these if you have a lot of them

  4. Screenshots or your friend. Feel free to throw them into the chat widget or emails to show us details of your question. A picture is worth 1000 words.

What details to give us for server/technical questions
If you have questions that are server-related it would be great if you could clarify at the beginning of a conversation...
  1. What server provider you are using and server specs

  2. Ideally domain/IP of the server

  3. Let us know of any changes you have done to deal with the issue or other technical observations

How to let us access your tracker
As mentioned earlier, there is a default FunnelFlux support user in all new versions of the tracker.
You can see this user by going to the User Management section of the tracker.
Head there and enable the user and you should be good to go.
We don't need password details from you and our support system will already let us know the tracker URL details we need to jump in.
How to let us access your server
If you would like us to investigate issues where we need to check server config, access databases and so on, we will need SSH access.
There are two ways to do this:
  1. Providing us with root login details

  2. Adding our FunnelFlux support SSH key to your server

We prefer the latter as it lets us securely access your server without username/passwords or storing these details.
You can find instructions HERE on adding our public key to your server.
Note that we often need root MySQL access and if that is password protected, we'll probably need those details.
How to ask for server deployment help
Ok, so you're kicking things off and you want us to help you set up your server and FunnelFlux.
Firstly note that we don't provide setup in every environment.
If you have a complex server setup and/or your own existing system admins, we highly recommend you ask them to do the setup. It's dangerous and time consuming to jump into a non-standard environment where things are quite specifically configured already.
Anyway, we recommend one of three things for deployment:
  1. Use our deployment manager - details here.

  2. Ask us to deploy a FunnelFlux instance for you on Vultr. Or Linode. But we prefer Vultr as it's easier for you to use after the fact.

  3. Try to do this yourself and follow our setup instructions, then come back to us if you need help. Suitable if you have reasonable experience with Linux, DNS settings and so on.

If you want to opt for option #1 and have us do things for you, here is the information we need from you:
  1. Details of what VPS provider you are using and login credentials.

  2. Setup your billing settings in that provider, then let us know what VPS plan or instance type you would like and its location (e.g. Singapore, Atlanta, etc.). Ask us if you are not sure what the best option is.

  3. Details of the domain you want the tracker to use.

  4. If you are fine configuring DNS settings yourself let us know. If not, we can either configure the DNS settings in Vultr and ask you to make changes in your registrar (e.g. Namecheap, GoDaddy), otherwise if you point your registrar to CloudFlare we can handle setting up the DNS entries in CloudFlare for you as well. Tip: in Cloudflare don't turn on acceleration for tracker DNS entries.

  5. Let us do some magic and get back to you with a login URL, user credentials and so on. You should be good to go!

Other systems we might need access to
Aside from acces to your tracker via our support user, and access to your server via SSH, here are a list of other services we may request access to in order to help you.
Note we may ask if we feel its useful to help you, e.g. where the actions require technical experience that you're not comfortable with.
You never have to give us access if you don't want to, we will always try our best to help you do things yourself if preferred.
  1. Your VPS provider. Getting login details lets us check server details like IP, root password, usage graphs, etc.

  2. Your DNS provider, e.g. CloudFlare. Here we can check that DNS records are configured correctly.

  3. Your domain registrar. This is unlikely, but if you are confused about how to update nameservers we could do this for you.

  4. Your cPanel/WHM area. We don't run into many people who use cPanel but on managed servers it is quite common and poses its own set of challenges.

General notes and tips
Firstly, never hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Secondly, try to be detailed and transparent with us. If you come asking for highly technical help and send us details with redacted DNS records, refuse to give SSH access but can't do server configuations yourself, or refuse to give support user tracker access because you want to keep campaigns private, then you are likely just making things harder for yourself.
The reality is we are here to help make your FunnelFlux tracker work efficiently and without errors. We couldn't care less about what campaigns, funnels, offers and traffic sources you have configured or what their stats are.
Actually that's not precisely true -- if we see you are running high volume then we are better aware of the risks tracker downtime and changes can have, so are more likely to exercise caution with any changes.
Lastly, try to remember that servers are generally not simple and running your own self-hosted application with little experience and no system administrator can be quite challenging.
We will try to help you as best we can and as promptly as we can, but can't guarantee instant turnaround and enterprise-level support. Our technical support offering is out of courtesy to our customers, not a service-level agreement.

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